
Transport for Christ 
Transport for Christ News Letter
Logos Christian Academy in Casa Grande
Great News! Would you like your child or grandchild to receive an A+ Christian education, but feel you just can't afford it? Click here to learn more.
Website: http://www.logosclassical.com/
You say you don't have school aged children, but would like to help, without costing you a cent? Click here, you may be an answer to prayer. http://www.acsto.org/
Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization

Newburgh Theological Seminary and College of the Bible

Dr. Glenn and Mrs. Carole Mollette
Dr. Glenn Mollette is the president of Newburgh Seminary

Camp Northfield www.campnorthfield.com/wordpress/
"Where Memories Are Made and Lives Are Changed" 

Equipping Christians in outreach to Muslims: www.JesusToMuslims.org
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Ministry

Put a Smile of the Face of a Child This Christmas.
